Tag: yunnan

Southwestern Adventure 江河行 2010: Episode One

I sincerely apologize for the lack of posts in the last few weeks. I’ve been struggling mightily recently with a couple of big topics:

1) What are the most effective ways to support and promote environmental protection in China?; and

2) What would I like to do/what am I able to do for the environmental cause in China?

I have yet to figure these questions out.  As you could probably tell from my last post, I am quite pessimistic and discouraged about what can be done without some major systemic changes.

On a smaller scale, I’ve also struggled with how to present the pics I took during the Southwestern Adventure.  I think I’ve finally come up with a prudent way to do this that is hopefully entertaining and informative while also adequately “safe”.

As always, I highly encourage comments. I will always do my best to reply to them, and even when I don’t, be assured that I really appreciate them.  I dream about comments and the people who leave them.  Yes, I just told you the secret of how to appear in my dreams.  Now start commenting!

This post includes pictures from the first several days of the trip, covering the approximate route showed on this Google map.  Several other galleries are upcoming.  For your enjoyment, I’ve included captions on a large majority of these pictures.  Please let me know if you have trouble seeing either the pictures or the captions.  If you are not satisfied by the size of the photos afforded by the gallery view, you can right-click on individual pictures and select “view image” to see larger versions.

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First bend of Nujiang

I’m doing OK.  A little diarrhea this morning but otherwise no problems.  We’ve seen a few interesting things on this trip so far, and I will write more later.  Internet access is not easy to come by most days.

The picture below is the famed first bend of Nujiang (怒江), the last hope for river conservationists in China.  Its main course remains free of dams, unbridled and wild.

Taking off today on a Western Adventure

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.  I’ve been traveling a bit and also preparing for an adventure that starts today.  I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to join a group of Chinese environmental journalists on an info-gathering mission through Yunnan and Sichuan.  The focus of the Yunnan portion is the aftereffects of the recent drought, and the focus of the Sichuan portion is to check out the progress of hydroelectric dam construction on the wild western rivers of China.

I hope to explore further the actual implementation of environmental impact assessment (EIA)  procedures in China and eventually develop some insight into how the EIA system can be improved.

Here’s a web page about this mission from a previous year.  It’s all in Chinese but there are some cool photos.

…and Happy Thanksgiving!!!  Pour out some gravy for me.