Tag: united states

The Wonderful World of Macro Photography

A friend of mine recently convinced me to buy a legacy fully manual macro lens over the critically acclaimed newfangled Olympus 60mm f/2.8 macro lens.  The cost of the legacy lens was less than a quarter of the price of a new Olympus, and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it.  Above is one of my favorite shots so far.

A reward for the first person to correctly identify the species by leaving a reply below.  Hint: the photo was taken in Berkeley, California.

Quick update

Again, it’s time to apologize.  A lot has happened this month and I’ve neglected this blog even more than usual.  The news that might be of interest to you is that I’m back in the U.S. and will be based here for the next few years as I work towards a Ph.D.  But never fear, this blog is not yet doomed – I plan to maintain a research focus on wilderness protection in China, so I’m going to continue posting on topics in line with the original spirit of this blog.

I hope that comes as a relief to all 3 of you who still regularly visit.