Tag: monoculture

Surprise! The Economist gets it wrong

Eucalyptus monoculture "forest" in Guangxi, China

All of you capitalist pigs out there may have noticed The Economist‘s issue on biodiversity last week.  While I appreciate the attempt to present biodiversity conservation in a generally positive light to an audience that rarely prioritizes the issue, I think it is important to point out that The Economist misses its mark – by a wide margin.

Thanks to the leadership of one of my classmates (also a long-lost cousin), our grad student cohort recently submitted a collective Letter to the Editor.  I’ll let you know if that gets printed.  In the meantime, here’s my own initial, personal response.

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Heartbeat from sugarcane country

I apologize for not posting more this month.  Hopefully December will be better.  These photos of the landscape around the langur park are all I can offer to you for now.  Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season!

This is the time of year when I miss the U.S. the most.

karst islands in sugarcane sea. langur park vegetation visible in lower-right.

sugarcane monoculture. langur park in foreground.