Tag: china

Back in Sipsongpanna

Back in 2012, I ended a southeast Asia trip by crossing overland from Laos into Sipsongpanna.  As you might remember, this southernmost area of Yunnan left some deep impressions in my mind, and it’s a joy to be here again.

I’m now here taking a month-long field course in the Sipsongpanna Tropical Botanical Garden, one of the largest botanical gardens in China and an active research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  It’s a precious opportunity to become more familiar with one of my favorite places in this country.

This wouldn’t be chasingmirages without an environmental tragedy.  Here, the most visible destruction is the wholesale conversion of native tropical forest into rubber tree plantations.  More to come on this important issue.  For now, please try to identify the species of dragonfly in my latest macro shot (taken in the Sipsongpanna Tropical Botanical Garden) by leaving a comment below.  Another lame reward for the first person to correctly identify it!

Note: click on the image for the full-size file.  Check out those compound eyes!

Wall to Nowhere

Oh God. It’s been the longest hiatus ever.

I’m back in China for the summer, no more excuses.  Last week I visited the crumbling Great Wall near the village of Long Quan Yu (龍泉峪).  There’s an awesome B&B with cabins built on the mountainside from which we enjoyed panoramic views and stargazing through floor-to-ceiling windows.

The best part of it was, the running water came from mountain springs.  It’s the first time I’ve drunk straight from the faucet in China.  The only notable consequence was five full days of simultaneous projectile vomiting and incendiary diarrhea.  On the bright side, I lost five kilos and regained a six-pack.

Just kidding, the water was really damn good.

A curious child

A few baby langurs were born this year despite the instability of the family group.  This one’s about a month old.  Note that its face is not as dark as its mother’s, but also not as pale as a newborn’s would be.

Quick update

Again, it’s time to apologize.  A lot has happened this month and I’ve neglected this blog even more than usual.  The news that might be of interest to you is that I’m back in the U.S. and will be based here for the next few years as I work towards a Ph.D.  But never fear, this blog is not yet doomed – I plan to maintain a research focus on wilderness protection in China, so I’m going to continue posting on topics in line with the original spirit of this blog.

I hope that comes as a relief to all 3 of you who still regularly visit.