Despite the ubiquitous crowds of drunk and stoned foreigners watching endless Friends re-runs, Vang Vieng is still a place of beauty.  You just have to have the time to look for it.  Other than the Organic Farm, my favorite parts of Vang Vieng were the caves and swimming holes.

The Blue Lagoon, right outside the Tham Phu Kam cave. Â these local kids have the time of their lives EVERY SINGLE AFTERNOON.

A rare golden crab, the namesake of Tham Phu Kham, "Cave of the Golden Crab". Now that you've seen it, you'll have good fortune forever!

swimming hole at the bottom of Tham Jang, Vang Vieng's most accessible cave. the area surrounding the swimming hole was achingly beautiful, somehow reminding me of the mystic forest in Princess Mononoke