Note: if you are inspired to visit Bagan, check out this practical guide to aid your planning.
Please read part 1 for an intro to Bagan before viewing this gallery.
Note: You can view/download larger images by right-clicking on the thumbnails or the slideshow pictures.
August 29, 2011 at 10:06
The bat picture is amazing.
Your pictures show almost no other tourists. Is Bagan fairly empty or is it because of your masterful photography?
August 29, 2011 at 12:00
The bat passage was amazing. I took 2 pictures into the dark and that one came up. The bats were everywhere, flying literally inches from my face the whole time I was in there. I gained a newfound respect for their echo-location skills, it was amazing that not a single one touched me.
It’s currently the “rainy season” in Myanmar so there aren’t many tourists in the entire country. Even during busy season, between November and February, I imagine it’s not too crowded – Myanmar isn’t exactly a convenient place to visit.
Misanthropy, not masterful photography, results in the lack of people in these photos.