The Wonderful World of Macro Photography

A friend of mine recently convinced me to buy a legacy fully manual macro lens over the critically acclaimed newfangled Olympus 60mm f/2.8 macro lens.  The cost of the legacy lens was less than a quarter of the price of a new Olympus, and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it.  Above is one of my favorite shots so far.

A reward for the first person to correctly identify the species by leaving a reply below.  Hint: the photo was taken in Berkeley, California.


  1. Bald Faced Hornet (Dolichovespula maculata)?

    • Close! Hint: I think this species has evolved to visually mimic stinging insects like the bald faced hornet.

      • Well — it clearly fooled me. How about the Hover Fly (Eupeodes volucris)?

        • I think it’s certainly a hover fly/flower fly (family Syrphidae), but I had originally identified it as Scaeva pyrastri . What do you think?

          • yeah — i think you win:

            Scaeva pyrastri Habitat: UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens, Old Rose Garden, Berkeley, CA.

          • The thing that throws me off is the shape of the abdomen – the one in my picture seems to be narrower and more curved than in the pictures online. The shapes of the white markings aren’t exactly the same either, but I think Scaeva is a little closer than Eupeodes. Let’s leave it here for now, unless anyone else has a clearer identification.

            Thanks for playing! I’ll email you for instructions on how to receive your award.

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