sugar and spice and everything nice

snakes and snails and puppy dog tails

a charming but ambiguous message

the U.S. embassy in Laos could use some proofreaders

i shat a brick when i saw this framed quotation sitting on a bookshelf in the Luang Prabang public library. guess communist party members and secret police don't spend much time reading books.

ancient, quiet, tree-lined street, a hallmark of Luang Prabang

mystery rodents, still alive, cowering in the Luang Prabang morning market

scouting out future adoption sources

on weekends, the kids at the orphanage must fend for themselves

a group of boys had shot a sparrow and were cooking it with bamboo shoots. a few of the boys spoke good English.

looks like the girls got dibs on the kitchen

child on child caged soccer - endless entertainment

i'm not a cloud expert, but this rainbow cloud struck me as unusual

all you lovers of erotic buddhist art will find yourself surrounded by boobies in luang prabang. maybe it's just me, but breasts of all styles were everywhere i looked - internal walls, external walls, carved, painted, modern, ancient, colorful, monotone, and more... this photo shows a small part of a much larger mural on the inside of Wat Pahouak.

apparently, anything goes on the van from Luang Prabang to Udomxai.